Restorative Practices in Schools






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Implementation of Restorative Practices



ReSolutionaries Inc.

Where the 5Rs originated…

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The 5Rs were originally conceptualized with a hand in mind.

Restorative Practices through the 5Rs embody the critical components of equitable action.

The 5Rs

a Framework that holds a

restorative way of being.

The 5Rs Framework is the culmination of Dr. Beverly Title’s life work.  Beverly was a pioneer in the field of restorative practices, and co-founder of ReSolutionaries Inc. The Colorado RJ Council holds the 5Rs as one of the guiding documents for restorative justice practices in CO.  Although we lost Beverly in 2014, her legacy has clearly survived; evidenced by the consistent presence of the 5R’s in Restorative Communities worldwide. 

In Beverly’s 21 years as a public school educator, 15 of those were spent in alternative high schools for incarcerated or expelled students. When her students were not in jail they were in her class. She recognized that these young people were beautiful spirits caught up in challenging life circumstances which they often responded to violently with defiant and disruptive behavior. They taught her that punishment is often internalized as another form of violence done to them, leaving them feeling entitled to “return the favor.” 

Beverly realized that discipline was necessary and that punishment would not be effective.  At the same time she knew that leniency was not the answer because she believed that one of the kindest things she could do for her students was to hold them accountable so they could fix the issue before it caused even bigger problems. Her budding approach provided accountability within a context of care.

The 5Rs were originally conceptualized with a hand in mind. Restorative Practices live within and the 5Rs embody the critical components of equitable action.


Students Present the 5Rs Framework at Restorative Justice Conference


Online Course

5R Framework

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The ReSolutionaries 5R’s Framework Introductory Course gives you easy-to-use and apply tools so that you can begin preventing, resolving and transforming conflicts everywhere you live and lead.

Learn straight from Beverly Title, co-Founder of ReSolutionaries, Inc., how to apply the simple yet powerful 5R Framework any time you experience conflict. This course is the distillation of Beverly's 40-years work in the field of restorative justice and practices.

The Introductory Course includes:

  • Series of modules that guide you as you apply the 5R Framework

  • Interactive and reflective questionaires

  • Exclusive resources (downloadable 5Rs Poster & description of the 5Rs)

Access to a Members-Only discussion forum

cost: $197.00

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Our Approach

ReSolutionaries, Inc. has been committed to bringing Restorative Practices and Thinking to schools since 2004. Our tools are steeped in equity, aligned with brain research and considered trauma-informed practices.  We do far more than just deliver training - we provide structured coaching and support as teachers, administrators, students and families are developing restorative skills. This includes a wide range of tiered restorative tools addressing the continuum from prevention to intervention in order to create an entirely restorative culture and approach.

In order to sustain meaningful learning, we recommend that training is followed by opportunities for consulting, debriefing, coaching, and support. These recommendations are based on the best practices as defined by Implementation Science and have been incorporated into our model for working with schools for a recommended period of 3-5 years. Time for both reflection and revision are built into the process, two of many critical components in an effective plan. Although we are able to be flexible with scheduling, we strongly encourage a deeply rooted commitment to establishing and sustaining a restorative culture.


Flexible Options

We are constantly evolving.

We listen to feedback. We reflect. We respond. A concern shared with us on a regular basis has been that the sustainable implementation of Restorative Practices requires time, the most valuable resource for an educator; quite often, more time than is readily available.

Another common concern is that budgets, funding, and access to resources vary greatly. In response to these challenges, we have designed and now offer a Blended Learning platform that provides professional development and coaching for either a district-cohort or school-based Implementation Team. We have pricing options that provide services from the least to the most intensive to meet a variety of needs in a cost-effective manner.

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sequential roll-out

Our approach typically follows these steps in order to ensure meaningful collaboration, consistent growth, and sustainable change. Additionally we start our work with foundational principles and universal/tier one strategies.




Our initial work begins with developing an understanding of what is already in place. From there we determine areas of need and leverage strengths in pursuing efforts toward growth.



Restorative culture is one of collective leadership and consistent refinement. Informed by the best practices of implementation science, we work with school leadership, teachers, staff and parents, weaving restorative principles with existing initiatives to craft a customized plan to assure success for all.


professional development & Implementation SUPPORT

 Our interactive learning sessions are followed by regular coaching and debriefing. Administration, parents, students and school staff hone their new restorative tools and mindset and become conversant with restorative language and capable of facilitating restorative processes.



Prevent, Resolve, and Transform Conflict
